
 Allergy Friendly Nutrition with Lisa Woodruff, RDN

Teal pumpkin for food allergy awareness

Food Allergy Life

Family Nutrition

Kitchen Tips & Tricks

Welcome! Small Steps for Joyful Eating with Food Allergies provides resources to help families & individuals manage food allergies while nurturing a healthy relationship with food. No food allergies? No problem! My recipes are allergy-friendly, which means anyone can enjoy them.

Are you new to food allergies? Start with these posts, then click on the Food Allergy Life link above.

As a food allergy mom AND dietitian, I understand the importance of quick, family-friendly recipes and meal planning ideas. When it comes to nutrition, I promote weight-neutral, common-sense approaches to help families find a healthy balance.

Looking to learn more about my nutrition philosophy? Start here:

Food Allergy Life Lisa Woodruff, RDN Food Allergy Life Lisa Woodruff, RDN

Could this be food allergy?

Picture a six-month old sitting in his highchair at the dinner table with the rest of his family.
He recently started complementary foods and is about to try diluted peanut butter for the first time. Ten minutes later, he has red bumps on his neck, stomach, and upper back. Could this be food allergy?

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Kids with Food Allergies and Halloween Candy

Parents - how are you feeling about Halloween? Are you excited for your kids to get to experience all the costumes, silliness, and trick-or-treating experiences? Or are you having trouble focusing on anything other than the candy and sweets?

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Easy Ideas for Non-food Birthday Celebrations

Does your school have a no-food treat policy? When my son wanted treats for his birthday, I brainstormed a list of 12 easy non-food items he could bring to celebrate with his classmates. Enjoy!

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