Food Allergies: Nelle’s Story

Photo provided by Nelle’s family

Photo provided by Nelle’s family


Location: Illinois

Age: 20 months

Confirmed food allergies: egg, dairy, peaches, cashews

First allergic reaction: 6 months

When Nelle was 6 months old, she started showing signs of eczema and “extreme itchiness that caused a lot of sleep disruption,” according to her mom.

Her mom finally suspected food allergies after a weekend when she ate more eggs than usual while breastfeeding Nelle. She describes Nelle’s itchiness and lack of sleep as the “worst ever” during that weekend.

Nelle first saw her family doctor who ordered blood work and referred her to a virtual allergist. “The first allergist ordered more blood tests and eliminated even more things from our diet,” shared her mom.

Her family has since found a pediatric allergist to work with. “We have been so much happier,” Nelle’s mom reports. “We have pared down our avoid list to only the things she is actually reacting to.” Nelle is also seeing a dermatologist to help manage her eczema.

All of this started for us at the beginning of the pandemic, which made some things easier and others harder.
— Nelle's mom

“The first allergist we saw was only doing virtual appointments, and it was hard to communicate,” her mom shared. “Learning to read labels while I was trying to limit time in grocery stores was also hard, but I wasn’t bringing the girls with me so that was easier.”

She adds that having large family gatherings cancelled was actually a stress relief. “I didn’t have to worry about a newly walking toddler in a room full of food she would reach to.”

Family involvement

Nelle has an older sister that is 3.5 years old. She is learning how to be an advocate for Nelle by reading stories, watching Daniel Tiger, and talking about food allergies in general.

“She knows we make modifications to things and read [food] labels. So she will ask if things are safe for Nelle, or specify when playing with food that is a safe version of one of Nelle’s allergens so that she can eat it,” explained their mom.

Food allergy community

One of the most helpful aspects for Nelle’s mom has been the social support of Facebook groups for food allergy parents. She shares that this helps remind her that Nelle’s food allergies are manageable when times are tough. It has also helped her learn a lot more about food allergies and support systems within the food allergy community.

Advice for new food allergy families

Nelle’s family recommends reaching out to social media groups or friends who are also food allergy families. Her mother says a new diagnosis is overwhelming initially, but reading food labels can quickly become second nature.

She also adds that ingredient lists can change, so it is important to always recheck food labels for allergens. “Even a year into things, I am surprised where I find some of her allergens or I have caught when ingredients have changed and now have an allergen in them,” she explains.

How others can support the food allergy community

Nelle and her family ask that others understand just how serious food allergies can be and appreciate the importance of keeping all kids safe. “Ask what are safe things to serve or have around when getting together,” suggested her mom. Those who demonstrate a willingness to make minor menu changes or simply keep unsafe food out of reach can help manage the stress for parents of a young child with food allergies.


Nelle enjoying an allergy-friendly cupcake (egg-free, dairy-free) made by her family.

Photo provided by Nelle’s family.

Lisa Woodruff, RDN

Lisa is a FARE-trained registered dietitian and food allergy mom. She helps families and individuals learn how to confidently manage food allergies while nurturing a healthy relationship with food. Lisa is a food allergy dietitian licensed to practice in Iowa, Illinois, and Nebraska. She also wrote the children’s book Be a Food Allergy Helper! and hosts the podcast Let’s Talk Food Allergies.


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