Let’s Talk Food Allergies
A monthly podcast inspired by my first book, Be A Food Allergy Helper! As a dietitian and food allergy mom, I love talking all things food allergies with my guests while exploring the realities of family life with food allergies.
Looking for a food allergy podcast for kids? Then check out Episode 06: Special Episode - Kids Talk Food Allergies, where I answer questions from listeners like you!
Are you an individual, family member, or supporter of the food allergy community with a story to share?
Send me a message to learn more about being a guest on Let’s Talk Food Allergies!
“If you’re a food allergy parent (like me), you’ll probably say “me, too!” many times while listening to this great podcast. If you’re not a food allergy parent, this podcast provides some insight and tips on how to be a great ally!””

#4: Overcoming People Pleasing + the Chung Family’s Story
On this episode I am talking with Ina Chung, also known as The Asian Allergy Mom on Instagram. In addition to sharing her family’s journey with food allergies, Ina shares her experience with addressing people pleasing tendencies and strategies to help politely advocate for kids with food allergies. And now, let’s talk food allergies!
Disclaimer: All content in this podcast is provided for general informational purposes only; it is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or medical professional. As always, individuals with food allergies should consult their with their healthcare team to create an individualized Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan.